新海 博之

New Release

[January 18, 2022] Single Malt Tsunuki 2022 Edition

"Single Malt Tsunuki 2022 Edition" is a single malt whiskey released in 2022 that is distilled from 2017 to 2018 and is mainly vatted with malt raw liquor aged in a bourbon barrel.
Whisky Review

[Review] Glen Muscle No.8 “Five Spirits” Akkeshi Blend

This is the eighth edition of Glen Muscle, a whisky brand for enthusiasts by enthusiasts.Glen Muscle No.8  "Five Spirits...
Whisky Review

[Review] Single Malt Saburomaru 1 THE MAGICIAN

Using he billy peated malt. The outline has a solid taste.

[High price 10,000 yen or more] 10 recommended Japanese whiskies

We recommend 10 high-end Japanese whiskies with a purchase price of over 10,000 yen. In the higher price range, all products meet the voluntary standards for Japanese whisky, and most of them are so popular around the world that they are hard to find at a premium price.
Whisky Review

[Review]Single Malt Whisky Shizuoka Contact S

Shizuoka Distillery uses two first distilleries, K and W, to produce undisseled sake with two different personalities. "Contact S" is the first single malt that blends both unsorted sake. The steam-heated K has a fruity aroma and light taste, and the W by direct fire makes you feel a heavy taste and a long aftertaste.
Whisky Review

[Review] Single cask TSUNUKI 2021 Sherry Hogshead & Bourbon barrel

This is the first single cask that uses raw sake (distilled in 2018) distilled in the second season of Tsunuki Distillery operation.
Whisky Review

[Review] Single Malt KANOSUKE 2021 SECOND EDITION

Japanese whiskey distilled and aged at Kanosuke Distillery in 2018A whiskey with an elegant sweetness, bittersweetness and barrel aroma.

10 recommended Japanese whiskies [at low price – up to 5,000 yen]

We recommend 10 Japanese whiskies that can be purchased for up to 5,000 yen. Although some products in the lower price range do not meet the definition of Japanese whisky, we have carefully selected products that are a blend of Japanese produced and imported original whisky with very good cost performance!
Whisky Review

[Review] Mars Whisky Dakekanba Brandy Cask Finish

"Mars Whiskey Dakekanba" was aged for another one and a half years in the barrel used for aging Tokachi brandy. It is a malt whiskey that combines the sweet scent of brandy and the honey scent with the characteristics of "Dakekanba", and has a pleasant peat scent and a smooth finish for a long time
New Release

Ichirose Malt & Grain Classical Edition (October 23, 2021)

This product pursues a more classical taste while maintaining the concept of using the world's five major whiskies that have been further aged in the environment of Chichibu. The ratio of malt unshirted sake and the gentle smoky create a pleasant harmony in the layers of aroma that overlap many times.