Product introduction catalog page where Japanese whisky can be bought
The 5th has been released. We hope to help everyone who is looking at this site purchase Japanese whisky by collecting the lineup of japanese whisky scattered on the web in an easy-to-understand manner, including products released in the past for each manufacturer, brand, and so on.
The fifth is the Akkeshi Distillery, which started operations in 2016. Following the Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu Distillery, craft distillery is the most noteworthy distillery. In addition to the “24 Seasons Series” currently on sale, we will also introduce the NewBone series released before reaching the three-year aging period that can be sold as whisky.
1.Akkeshi 24 Season Series
2.Akkeshi Whisky Others
3.Akkeshi Newborn Series
Click here for other manufacturers

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