Whisky Review

Whisky Review

[Review] Mars whisky Saigodon

Blended whisky arranged by a blender at Tsunuki Distillery, inspired by the Eiji of the Restoration [Saigo Takamori].
Whisky Review

[Review] Ichiro’s Malt & Grain 505

Ichiro's Malt & Grain 505 is a whisky that can taste a malt feeling firmly because it raises the malt ratio than the current white label.
Whisky Review

[Review] Ichirose Malt Double Distilleries (DD)

We battered malt raw sake from Hanyu Distillery and Chichibu Distillery, and Hanyu Distillery's malt raw sake uses "sherry barrels" mainly from puncheon barrels, and "Mizunara barrels" are used for the malt unshuil at Chichibu Distillery.
Whisky Review

[Review] Single Malt Miyagikyo Manzanilla Wood Finish

"Single Malt MiyagiKyo" with a gorgeous and light taste is further aged in Mansaniriya barrels that have been used for 50 years, and features a taste that harmonizes mellow sweetness and soft bitterness.
Whisky Review

[Review] Single Malt Yoichi Manzanilla Wood Finish

Single Malt Yoichi is further aged in Manthanilla barrels aged for 50 years, bottling without cooling filtration.
Whisky Review

[Review] Ichiro’s Malt Mizunara Wood Reserve (MWR)

Mizunara Wood Reserve's raw sake is made from hanyu distillery's malt raw liquor as a key malt, and several kinds of malt whisky are batted. It was then re-aged at Mizunara Reserve Vat.
Whisky Review

[Review] Kanosuke Newborn 2019

The raw material is British non-peat malt. The whisky raw liquor distilled in May 2018 is stored in a barrel where bourbon whiskey was stored.
Whisky Review

[Review] Suntory Kakubin

Suntory Kakubin, as it's known, is one of the blended whiskey brands produced by Suntory Spirits and sold by Suntory Liquor.
Whisky Review

[Review] Taketsuru 21 Year Pure Malt

Pure Malt Whisky bears the name of Masataka Taketsuru, the father of Japanese whiskey. Japan's world-class pure malt whisky.
Whisky Review

[Review] Taketsuru Pure Malt New Label

Hsinchutsuru Pure Malt is a combination of malt forged in the northern sea and malt grown in a green canyon.