
Whisky Review

[Review] Mars Malt Le Papillon Monk Swallowtail

Mars Malt Le Papillon" is a series that uses butterflies that live in Japan as a motif to express the beauty of Japan's seasonal climate and natural environment that forms the maturing environment for whiskey. This is the eleventh in the series, and the first in the series to use malt raw material distilled at the Mars Tsunuki distillery.
Whisky Review

[Review] Ichiro’s Malt&Grain Japanese Blended Whisky Limited Edition 2021

The refreshing acidity that blends in with the weighty sweetness like brown sugar and the barrel incense filled with the memory of the aging cellar will be aftertaste and continue comfortably in the mouth forever.

 ICHIRO’S MALT(Venture Whisky) and Hombo Shuzo announce the launch of BLENDED MALTS USING SWAPPED STOCKS

This is the first time in Japan that blended malt has been commercialized by exchanging the stocks of the new spirit state.
Whisky Review


It is characterized by a complex and pleasant aroma with a heavy and satisfying aroma that comes from grains.
Whisky Review

[Review] Iwai Tradition Sherry Cask Finish

In addition to the original rich flavor of Iwai Tradition, it is a whisky that can feel a balance of brown sugar derived from sherry barrels, aromas like maple syrup and elegant sweetness.
New Release

 【Limited release on March 26, 2021】 IWAI Tradition Sherry Cask Finish (Honbo Shuzo)

A new product was released by Honbo Shuzo on March 26, 2021.Information about the product was posted on the official website on March 26.
Whisky Review

 【Review】The Lucky Cat Choco

The Lucky Cat is a series of blended whiskies created using the blending techniques of Mars Whisky, with a motif of unique cats.

【February 16, 2021】Established the definition of Japanese whisky (Japan Spirits & Liqueurs Makers Association)

On February 16, 2021, the Japan Western Liquor Brewers Association established a definition of Japanese whiskey as a voluntary standard. The main content is that barley malt or grain is used as the raw material, saccharification, fermentation, and distillation are done in Japan, and the whiskey is packed in barrels and aged for at least three years.
Whisky Review

[Review] Ichiro’s Malt & Grain 505

Ichiro's Malt & Grain 505 is a whisky that can taste a malt feeling firmly because it raises the malt ratio than the current white label.
New Release

【Limited release on March 4, 2021】The Lucky Cat Choco (Honbo Shuzo)

[Limited release on March 4, 2021] The Lucky Cat Chocolate (Honbo Sake Brewery), limited to 6,700 bottles. A series with a motif of unique cats. A blended whiskey that has been additionally aged in a port pipe. The result is a scent that harmonizes sweetness and aroma, and a lingering taste reminiscent of cacao.